Baby Daddy and Even More Baby Mama Drama


Have you guys heard the allegations between Pierre, CEO of Quality Control, and his baby’s mother, Lira Galore?

The ex-couple went to court over the custody of their one-year-old daughter. Lira Galore took Pierre to court earlier this week, suing him for 15 million dollars because of alleged abuse that happened during the time of their relationship together. Along with suing her baby father for physical abuse allegations, she is also seeking full custody of their daughter, leaving “Pee” with no visitation rights.

Since the pair has been seen in court, both parents went to social media to share their true feelings about one another. Pierre has denied all claims of any abuse towards his baby mother and has stated that Lira Galore was the abusive one in the relationship while she was using drugs.

They both went to Instagram, sharing negative text messages about one another. Lira reported in new court documents, Galore has made more allegations against Pierre, stating how is unfit and unsafe lifestyle leaves her terrified for herself and any of his other children.

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