Cardi B Indicted By Grand Jury for Felonies in Strip Club Brawl



Cardi B has been indicted by a grand jury on multiple charges — including 2 felonies — in connection with a brawl at a New York strip club … TMZ has confirmed.

Cardi was arrested in October for allegedly ordering an attack on 2 strip club bartenders — Jade and Baddie G. The 2 women claim they were injured during the brawl when Cardi’s people began throwing bottles and chairs.

The incident, which went down in August, was allegedly triggered after Cardi accused Jade of sleeping with Offset.

The grand jury has indicted Cardi on 14 charges, including 2 counts of felony attempted assault with intent to cause serious physical injury. Other charges include misdemeanor reckless endangerment, assault, criminal solicitation, conspiracy and harassment.

She was initially charged with 2 misdemeanors … assault and reckless endangerment, but that’s all superseded by the grand jury indictment.

Cardi rejected a plea deal, which would have given her a conditional discharge in return for pleading guilty to a single misdemeanor. The problem … if she misstepped during the conditional period, she’d be in big trouble.

Prosecution sources told TMZ last month they decided to take the matter to the grand jury because of information they discovered during their investigation. They would not be specific.

Were hoping for the best Cardi!

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