Fetty Wap Ordered To Pay Ex-Employee $1.1M & Help Restore Her Reputation


 Fetty Wap has been ordered to pay a former tour staffer over $1.1 million for defamation and breach of contract.

According to Bossip, Shawna Morgan sued the rapper and his Goodfella4life Entertainment company for not reimbursing her thousands of dollars in touring costs after 2017. While Morgan was supposed to be paid between five and 10 percent of Fetty’s performance profits, she was regularly expected to cover up-front touring expenses, which Fetty was supposed to reimburse.

Besides owing Morgan upwards of $242,000, Fetty also publicly claimed that she had stolen money from him and was double-dipping by charging both Goodfella4life Entertainment and their clients. Morgan fired back against his alleged slander with her lawsuit, claiming that Fetty had damaged her business reputation.

A judge initially sided with Morgan because Fetty didn’t respond to the suit. However, he appealed to have the case reinstated, and he and Morgan went to arbitration, where he was ordered to pay her $160,000. Rather than pay the ordered amount, Fetty demanded that the suit be taken to trial, where the jury ultimately sided with Morgan and added over $800,000 to his tab.

Along with paying $1.1 million for defamation and breach of contract, Fetty is also required to issue retractions for press outlets that reported his false claims, post public retractions on his social media accounts and take out ad space in “prominent entertainment publications” to restore Morgan’s name.

Is this a fair ruling or was this a bit harsh?

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