Gaston County Commissioner becomes Lyft driver, mingles with celebrities during All-Star weekend


You probably found that getting into those fun parties filled with celebrities during the NBA All-Star weekend were a bit expensive. Depending on who you were trying to see, you could have easily been expected to pay $1,000 to get in.

One man who holds a prominent position in Gaston County actually mingled with some famous folks for free. Gaston County Commissioner Chad Brown signed up to be a Lyft driver for the weekend just as joke with his friends. He lucked up was paired to drive a few famous people around uptown.

The traffic in uptown was terrible at times, but Commissioner Brown says his experience overall was terrific. He says he was able to meet, national sports reporter Jemelle Hill who at one point worked for ESPN, NBA basketball player Ben Simmons and some other popular people in the world of Hollywood.

The commissioner said he did not expect for his weekend to turn out how it did, but he had a blast. He also says he made friends with Donovan Mitchel, another big time basketball player, and the two have a solid relationship now.

“It ended up being Donavan Mitchell, an NBA star. I didn’t know who he was I have to admit. It lasted until the wee hours of the night, but it was something that I truly think was a really good time and I can’t say enough about this weekend,” said Brown.

CIAA is coming up soon and the commissioner says we could possibly seem him out driving for Lyft then too!

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