Governors In California, New York & Texas Say Pro Sports Can Return Soon…But Fans Won’t Be In Attendance


The suspension of the NBA season, followed by other sports, was the real signal for a lot of people that COVID-19 is a very real thing. Now, sports fans all over the globe are not-so-patiently waiting to see when our favorite athletes can finally resume doing what they love. Luckily, it seems like an end to life without sports is near.

On Monday, governors from California, Texas, and New York all indicated that professional sports could actually come back some time soon. Unsurprisingly, though, when they do, fans definitely won’t be in attendance.

The U.S.’s three most populous states have 32 big four sports teams between them, and as you probably already know, the players on those teams haven’t seen any action since the major sporting world shut down in March following Rudy Gobert testing positive for the virus.

Luckily, the end seems near.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo claimed on Monday that he was urging the state’s sports teams to plan on returning without spectators.

“Hockey, basketball, baseball, football–whoever can reopen–we’re a ready, willing and able partner,” he said at a daily news conference, according to ESPN. “I think this is in the best interest of all the people and the best interest of the state of New York.”

The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, also showed interest in getting sports back, saying that they were welcome to return to the state, with no one in the stands, by the “first week or so of June.”

As for Texas, Governor Greg Abbott said also sports could make a return without fans by the end of May.

While it definitely won’t be the same watching sports without the energy from the crowd, it’s safe to say most of us will take whatever we can get right now.

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