Jay-z Hires Legal Team To Help 21 Savage


21 Savage is receiving many support over these past few days when he was detained by ICE after the Super Bowl, Well now Jay-z is the latest celebrity to show his support for 21 Savage in a MAJOR way!

Jayz has hired a legal team for 21 Savage ICE case. it is reported that he hired attorney Alex Spiro!

Jayz went on to say “The arrest and detention of 21 Savage is an absolute travesty, his U visa petition has been pending for 4 years,” Jay wrote. “In addition to being a successful recording artist, 21 deserves to be reunited with his children immediately, #Free21Savage.”

A representative for 21 Savage recently spoke out by stating that 21 savage was born in the United Kingdom, also adding he entered the United States at 7, and left the country and had his visa expire in 2006. The statement also reads “We are unaware of why ICE apparently targeted Mr. Abraham-Joseph, but we will do everything possible to legally seek his release and pursue his available relief in immigration court,”

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