Jussie Smollett Uses George Floyd Protests For His Own Case Against Injustice


In Chicago, Jussie Smollett is using the protests in an attempt to communicate his own legal difficulties, filing new legal documents and somehow associating his own falsely-reported hate crime to George Floyd’s murder.

According to TMZ, the former Empire actor has filed legal documents referencing the current protests and claiming they reflect the police’s behavior in his own case.

“As we see millions across the country rise up to protest and expose police misconduct, the City, by its refusal to produce the requested documents, is choosing to actively resist a citizen’s lawful efforts to reveal dishonesty,” says Smollett in these papers.

The city of Chicago is suing Smollett for $130K to make back the cost of their investigation into his alleged fake hate crime. The actor is fighting back by claiming that the city is refusing to hand him over vital documents for his defense.

He is reportedly specifically looking for documents about the termination of Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson, who was involved in the case.

Jussie Smollett has maintained his innocence since last year, claiming that he did not lie about the attack.

What are your thoughts on this move by Jussie?

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