Britney Spears Allegedly Hit By Victor Wembanyama’s Security Guard


According to a report from TMZ, Britney Spears was slapped in the face by a member of Victor Wembanyama’s security team on Wednesday night. The incident reportedly occurred in Vegas at the Catch restaurant at the ARIA Hotel. Reportedly, Spears spotted Wembanyama, who is in Vegas for the NBA Summer League, and went over to get a picture. She allegedly tapped Wembanyama on the back only for the Spurs’ Director of Team Security to slap her across the face. TMZ alleges that the slap was hard enough to send Spears to the ground and knock her glasses off.

Furthermore, Spears allegedly quickly recovered and went inside the restaurant with her husband and entourage. Reportedly, the security guard came over to apologize and allegedly explained that “you understand how it is when you’re being swarmed by fans.” Spears reportedly accepted his apology. However, TMZ also alleges that Spears’ team subsequently filed a police report, alleging battery on the part of the Spurs employee. The San Antonio Spurs are yet to make a statement about the alleged incident. At the time of writing, none of the parties involved in the alleged incident have released an official statement. The only source is whoever spoke to TMZ. Furthermore, no video evidence of the assault has been released at the time of writing. Similar to Chris Brown’s alleged assault of Usher earlier this year, this is somewhat unusual. Las Vegas is one of the most heavily surveilled cities in the world. Furthermore, this alleged incident occurred in a very public place between two big-name celebrities who were being “swarmed” by fans. That’s not to say this didn’t happen. However, this is a developing story and caution must be exercised.

Photo Creator: Handout | Credit: Getty Images

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