Meek Mill to start new record label


Meek Mill is looking to start a new record label but is struggling to find a bank to do business with

Meek Stated: “What bank can I do music business with, the overhead on making music is low,” Meek asked. “Working a project can cost up to 5m for me and one hit song can make 25m like ‘going bad did’ regular hits 10m at low… we don’t get data from labels how much money each song made quarterly.” In a follow-up post, he added: “How can you actually negotiate a deal if you don’t know how much you streaming in dollars monthly … most of the times artist get confused in business and lose their creative spark.”

Meek continued: “I’ve been handling millions since the age of 23,” he said. “I have 10 other businesses I don’t need my money from just labels I wanna build my own … I would partner with a existing label but I still want my money from a bank or investor! Music is too easy to generate money for me!”

Meek Mill On Starting A Record Label

How can you actually negotiate a deal if you don’t know how much you streaming in dollars monthly … most of the times artist get confused in business and lose their creative spark

— MeekMill (@MeekMill) March 11, 2024

I was just hungry… I don’t think it was Ross fault either I don’t think none of us understood the business like we do now from 2011 … he was my power marketer I asked him to get me on tv because I knew what I could do…. He invested in my early salute!

— MeekMill (@MeekMill) March 11, 2024

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